Review: A Dance With Dragons: After The Feast. George RR Martin.

Originally written: 06/12/19. Contains spoilers.

Finished this on target whilst also balancing writing Darker Origins and my December prompt one-shots, so feeling very pleased with myself.

What can I say? I loved it. Another four stars, easily, and now I too settle in to bear the long wait for The Winds Of Winter. (Is it on the horizon, or are fans just looking too deeply into Martin’s website?)

Jon Snow’s murder was awful. I had wondered, with the way later seasons of the show deviated from the rails set by the books, whether it might have been made up for drama’s sake, especially when his death seemed to serve no real narrative purpose. This turned out not to be the case, and my over active imagination feels vaguely betrayed.

I knew something was coming throughout the book, but when Ghost started whimpering and crying in his last chapter, I knew. That didn’t make it hurt any less. Martin had better hope he doesn’t kill Ghost in Winds, because if he does… there’s pretty much nothing I can do about it! I wonder what’s going to happen now. If Jon dies, because despite, you know, the multiple stab wounds, death wasn’t actually confirmed, then what?

We know what resurrection did to some of the characters in this universe, like Lady Stoneheart. Will he end up like Beric Dondarrion? Or might he actually stay dead? That’d be a pretty ballsy move, but I also think he’s too integral to the plot. Then again, I thought the same thing of Ned and Robb at one point, so what do I know?

I wonder if news of his death with reach Arya in Braavos, prompting her return to Westeros in time for A Dream Of Spring.

Speaking of, Arya’s POV was one of the best this time. I haven’t enjoyed reading Arya’s chapters so much since A Game Of Thrones. The House Of The Undying, and the Kindly Man were both so great, so interesting! The show absolutely butchered them, as it did to the rest of Braavos, I think. Who knew it was such an interesting place? No one who only watched the show, I’ll bet.

And that ending! Jaime with Brienne, off to face Lady Stoneheart whether he knows it or not, and my girl Margaery still alive… All three of my faves are, as of this moment, still alive. Thank the Seven. But no, Ser Kevan! Fuck you, Varys. That’s right, I said it.

Poor Quentyn Martell too. Did not see his death coming either. Yeesh. What a way to go.

(Also, I love Ser Barristan Selmy, yes I do.)

Published by thetearoom17

My name is Lucy Jane Holmes. I’m a writer and tea drinking expert from England. I am also an avid reader and lover of nature, and would happily spend the rest of my life taking long walks in picturesque places (if I could afford to). I write on this blog about the things that make me happy; books, fiction, and my hopes and dreams. So, I hope you enjoy your time spent here, however brief or extended that time may be, and if you would like to let me know what you thought, feel free to head over to my other social medias, and reach out :)

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